Stories To Share with My Partner
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Stories To Share with My Partner

Book 1

Stories To Share with My Partner - Book 1

Stories To Share with My Partner - Book 1

An anthology of stories can be a fun thing or a scary one.


Deciding what goes into an anthology can be daunting. Too much romance and some folks may decide it is ‘too mushy’. Put too much humour in, and others will say, ‘there is no substance’. Go with more science fiction, or fantasy, or horror, and you will have some folks just not pick up the book.


Finding the perfect ‘mix’ is a challenge for sure.


‘Stories to Share with My Partner – Book 1’ presents what I hope is a good mix of stories and poetry to make everyone happy.


You have some love stories, ‘A Lovely Human Being’ and the ‘Lovely Acorn’, for example, while I cover science fiction in ‘Thank You Guman’ and ‘History Repeats Itself’.


Funny stories are what I enjoy writing about, and there are few in this book.


‘The Hunter’ is something many can relate to and in ‘Concord Rhetoric Association of Poets’ I take a different approach to initiative.


I hope you enjoy reading these as much as I did when I wrote them.


As always, any comments are welcome, so shoot me a quick email to

Book 2

Stories To Share with My Partner - Book 2

Stories To Share with My Partner - Book 2

An anthology of stories and poetry can be a fun thing or a scary one.


Deciding what goes into an anthology can be daunting. Too much romance and some folks may decide it is ‘too mushy’. Put too much humour in, and others will say, ‘there is no substance’. Go with more science fiction, or fantasy, or horror, and you will have some folks just not pick up the book.


Finding the perfect ‘mix’ is a challenge for sure.


‘Stories to Share with My Partner – Book 2’ presents what I hope is a good mix of stories and poetry to make everyone happy.


You have some love stories, ‘The Photograph’ and the ‘A Brief Encounter’, for example, while I cover science fiction in ‘Science Fiction Writers of the Future’ and ‘In the Coffee Shop'..


Funny stories are what I enjoy writing about, and there are few in this book.

‘The Right Life Partner in TINDER’ is something many can relate to and in ‘Was that Really the Easter Bunny’ I take a different approach to initiative.


I hope you enjoy reading these as much as I did when I wrote them.


As always, any comments are welcome, so shoot me a quick email to

Book 3

Stories To Share with My Partner - Book 3

Stories To Share with My Partner - Book 3

An anthology of stories and poetry can be a fun thing or a scary one.


Deciding what goes into an anthology can be daunting. Too much romance and some folks may decide it is ‘too mushy’. Put too much humour in, and others will say, ‘there is no substance’. Go with more science fiction, or fantasy, or horror, and you will have some folks just not pick up the book.


Finding the perfect ‘mix’ is a challenge for sure.


‘Stories to Share with My Partner – Book 3’ presents what I hope is a good mix of stories and poetry to make everyone happy.


You have some love stories, ‘Tele-Novella’ and the ‘Idiot’, for example, while I cover science fiction in ‘When the Future Arrives’ and ‘Coordinates’.


Funny stories are what I enjoy writing about, and there are few in this book.


‘Jerk’ is something many can relate to and in ‘The Key to Love’ well, I get mushy.

I hope you enjoy reading these as much as I did when I wrote them.


As always, any comments are welcome, so shoot me a quick email to

Book 4

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Book 5

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Book 6

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Book 7

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Book 8

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Book 9

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Book 10

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Book 11

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Book 12

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Book 13

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Book 14

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Book 15

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Book 16

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Book 17

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Book 18

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Book 19

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Book 20

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José F. Nodar


José F. Nodar was born in La Habana, Cuba.


He grew up in a middle-class neighbourhood until the Cuban Revolution of 1959 threw a spanner into his happy life.


His parents heard a story that children under the age of eleven were to be sent to Russia for ‘indoctrination.’ This rumour was untrue, but it was believed to have been incited by the Catholic Archdiocese of Miami and the American Central Intelligence Agency under the title ‘The Pedro Pan Project’ or ‘The Peter Pan Project.’


This led José to be one of the 14,000 children sent to the USA to disrupt Fidel Castro’s regime, but it disrupted the lives of so many families instead.


In 1968 José’s parents left Cuba under the ‘Freedom Flights’ (known in Spanish as Los Vuelos de la Libertad) and these flights transported Cubans to Miami twice daily, five times per week from 1965 to 1973 and José and his parents reunited after all those years.


From 1968 to 1970 José and his parents lived and worked in San Juan Puerto Rico where they owned a restaurant, but this type of work proved unsatisfactory to José, and he headed back north to Atlanta Georgia where he had some friends and a possibility of a new job career.


This job career turned out to be in the banking arena and then into international consulting, which became the backbone of his professional life.


In 2008, the Great Financial Crisis (GFC) struck the financial world like Thor’s hammer and José and his Australian wife (Miriam) moved to Australia and pursue their lives there.


In 2014, José and Miriam retired in Sydney New South Wales and have enjoyed their retirement ever since while pursuing their hobbies and interests.

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