Stories To Share with My Partner - Book 2
A book of stories to enjoy together!
José F. Nodar
Fiction, Contemporary, Mystery, Police / Detective, Romance, Thriller, Crime, Action and Adventure, Drama, Poetry, Suspense, Science Fiction
Publish Date
December 31, 2020
Short Description
An anthology of stories and poetry for reading on your own or to your partner!

Book's Awards
An anthology of stories and poetry can be a fun thing or a scary one.
Deciding what goes into an anthology can be daunting. Too much romance and some folks may decide it is ‘too mushy’. Put too much humour in, and others will say, ‘there is no substance’. Go with more science fiction, or fantasy, or horror, and you will have some folks just not pick up the book.
Finding the perfect ‘mix’ is a challenge for sure.
‘Stories to Share with My Partner – Book 2’ presents what I hope is a good mix of stories and poetry to make everyone happy.
You have some love stories, ‘The Photograph’ and the ‘A Brief Encounter’, for example, while I cover science fiction in ‘Science Fiction Writers of the Future’ and ‘In the Coffee Shop'..
Funny stories are what I enjoy writing about, and there are few in this book.
‘The Right Life Partner in TINDER’ is something many can relate to and in ‘Was that Really the Easter Bunny’ I take a different approach to initiative.
I hope you enjoy reading these as much as I did when I wrote them.
As always, any comments are welcome, so shoot me a quick email to info@jfnodar.com.au