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Exclusive Interview with

David Harder


When did you start writing?

In 1990, I began writing marketing and sales materials for the computer industry. I started college at age 40 which required a lot of writing. I found interest in writing short stories and this progressed to longer novellas. In 2014, my first book, non-fiction, was published (Carving Hope Out of Depression). In 2018, my second book (fiction) was released, with a third book being released in June of this year (Persuaded: The Story of Nicodemus). I’m currently writing in four different manuscripts.

David Harder

What makes writing your passion?

A late-in-life discovery is that I love to write. Creative art is a characteristic trait that runs deep in my family. When comparing the oil and watercolor images my family produces, my stick figure drawings are sad comparisons. Proclaiming to be an author seems almost disingenuous, especially when I look back at the dismal grades achieved in English classes of high school. I'm certain my teachers would find this news rather earth shattering. However, writing opens channels of creativity, one never thought imaginable.

David Harder

How long have you been writing?

1992 is the year I officially began writing.

David Harder

What was the feeling when you published your first book?

Nervous excitement would describe my feelings when I saw my first published book. I was giddy with excitement at the potential I could achieve status as an “author.” The sales volume was low and so the excitement diminished quickly.

David Harder

What’s the story behind your choice of characters?

Selecting characters that readers can associate with is important to my books. Knowing the reader will emote with the character and become ingrained into the story sets my style apart from some authors. Character choice is based upon the scene within the story and the goals I wish to accomplish. I will also select characters that will convey any hidden messages within the pages of my books.

David Harder

What annoys you the most in pursuing a writing career?

With the advent of self-publishing and the internet, the publishing world has become increasingly fierce with competition. Publishers are less likely to risk investment in new authors but rather focus on established, household name recognizable authors. It’s extremely difficult to breakthrough into commercial publishing.

David Harder

How do you get over the “writer’s block”?

Whenever I find myself stumped for material or unable to create words on a page, I do the following three things. One, I edit my manuscripts. Often, while editing my work, a new thought or idea will pop into my head or inspire me to continue writing. Two, I read. I love reading all types of books. While reading, I sometimes get inspiration for my own stories. Three, I set a manuscript aside and won’t touch it for weeks or months. I’ve even started a completely new manuscript for another book I have in mind, only to return to the original manuscript due to inspiration during the creative process on the new book. Often, I dream about the stories in my books and will “see” chapters unfolding. These dreams provide insights into breaking the writer’s block I may experience.

David Harder

We all know the writer’s path is never easy, what makes you keep going? What advice would you give to new authors?

Writing is an expression of the mind in a tangible form. The power of creating stories that others will enjoy urges me to continue writing. The reader feedback is also important because it encourages me to write more. Honing the craft of storytelling and placing the words on paper so that other people will want to read them is not an easy adventure. Like any other skill, it takes years of hard work to be good. Never quitting is the best advice I could ever share.

David Harder

If you could go back in time and talk to your younger self, what would you say?

Put down the comic books! When I was in grade school, I was part of an experimental program where students were taught speed reading. As I progressed through high school, those of us who were part of the study were given aptitude tests to see if the speed reading improved our ability to comprehend. Nearly all of us earned poor grades in English classes and so the program was a failure. I found comic books entertaining, but literature boring. When I entered college, I had to re-learn the art of reading. Once I was hooked, I couldn’t stop reading. At present, I’m in the middle of reading three different books.

David Harder

Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with the bad ones?

Good or bad, I read all my book reviews. A review is a window into another person’s perspective on my written work. If the reviewer is critical, I try and learn from their review so that I can correct future mistakes. I always ask myself: “What did I learn from this review?”

David Harder

What is the feeling when you get a good review?

I am always fascinated by a good review. It amazes me when someone points out an interesting clue or hidden meaning in my work—some of them were ones I never even thought of. Good reviews encourage me to continue writing.

David Harder

Have you ever incorporated something that happened to you in real life into your novels?

Taking tid-bits from my life and the lives around me is what makes a story believable. I have often tapped into my personal life experiences to season my stories with interesting and often funny stories.

David Harder

Which of your characters you can compare yourself with? Did you base that character on you?

I’d prefer to keep myself out of playing any particular character in any of my books. Other than the non-fictions book I wrote—which was about my life escaping depression—I’ve not developed any characters upon my personal life.

David Harder

What do you think, the book cover is as important as the story?

Every article I’ve read indicates the cover is as important as the material inside. With a marketing background, I believe the statement is true.

David Harder

Do you connect with your readers? Do you mind having a chat with them or you prefer to express yourself through your writing?

I don’t mind chatting with or writing to readers. In fact, I’ve corresponded with readers around the world. Because of time constrains for writing stories, I do limit how much time I spend corresponding with readers.

David Harder

How do you feel when people appreciate your work or recognize you in public?

Having the appreciation of my work from unsolicited sources is always encouraging. I’m humbled by some of the comments I’ve received. Having worked so hard to improve my writing, it is always flattering when others comment on my skills as a writer. I don’t pursue the appreciation, but I welcome it when it appears.

David Harder

Who is your favorite author? Why?

I have two favorite authors. First, I like everything John Grisham writes. He is an engaging author that can capture one’s attention and hold until the last page. His stories are terrific and always have hidden messages about humanity. Second, I love the works of James Michener. He writes lengthy tomes on subjects of interest that includes a wealth of research. I walk away feeling energized and my mind expanded when reading his stories.

David Harder

What’s the dream? Whom would you like to be as big as?

Comparing myself with anyone else, would be an exercise in futility. I would like to be recognized as an author and earn a modest income from my stories. Overnight successes like J.K. Rowling are few and far apart in the publishing world. It would be nice, but realistically, it seldom happens. Writing is a craft that must be perfected and I believe many authors have achieved success in the writing world because of their efforts. I would love to be the next discovered number-one author, but in the meantime, I’ll keep doing what I do best and try to make my writing better.

David Harder

Would you rewrite any of your books? Why?

I would rewrite a book and I am currently rewriting an unpublished book in hopes I can attract a publisher for it. I can see the crudity of my earlier works, but I believe the story is good. Rewriting it may give life to the manuscript rather than letting it collect dust on my desk.

David Harder

If you could switch places with any author – who would that be?

Rather than switch places with any author, I’d jump at the chance to spend the day with a well respected author and have them provide insights to writing well, or even perhaps critique my writing.

David Harder

What would you say to the “trolls” on the internet? We all know them – people who like to write awful reviews to books they’ve never read or didn’t like that much, just to annoy the author.

The guy leaning against the sticky bar with his fuzzy, pink belly exposed, who rambles about the poor play a particular team executed on television, but has never set foot on a sport field, is a “troll.” The same can be said about the review “trolls” on the internet. Unless they’re a published author with experience, I suspect any comment from a “troll” is worth exactly what I paid for—nothing!

David Harder

What would you say to your readers?

Please take the time to write a review—even if it’s one sentence long. All reviews help authors, and we appreciate the comments.

David Harder

Share a bit about yourself – where do you live, are you married, do you have kids?

David Harder currently resides in the Prescott area of Arizona with his wife and their border collie, Shiloh. He grew up in southern California and served in the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam conflict. For nearly eight years, he lived and worked in Germany. From sales and marketing, he eventually became a CEO and business owner before moving to Arizona. A graduate of San Jose College with a degree in business, David also studied at Santa Clara University. He is a graduate of Vineyard Institute in Biblical studies and leadership and serves in the Vineyard Church. I have two sons from a previous marriage and Emily has a daughter from her previous marriage.

David Harder

What is your day job if you have one?

My wife works full time. I am the stay-at-home caretaker of the house and Shiloh. In addition to laundry and house chores, I do all the cooking and shopping. There is lots of time alone for writing in this mix.

David Harder

What are your hobbies? What do you do in your free time?

I’m involved with our church and a member of the local Scottish American Military Society post. I’m also a clay artist and will spend time in my studio creating. I use my wheel and clay during demonstrations in churches to deliver a powerful message visualizing how God shapes our lives for different purposes—no matter how old we are, and even if we seem to be a failure.

David Harder

Did you have a happy childhood?

Unfortunately, my childhood was not happy. As a child I was depressed, could not see anything positive, and lived in fear. The environment wasn’t healthy and required years of work to deal with the pain. The results pushed me into suicidal depression, but in 2012 I gained freedom from the long-lasting effects of depression. My first book, “Carving Hope” explains my journey.

David Harder

Is there a particular experience that made you start writing?

I have always enjoyed telling great stories. Through encouragement of others, I decided to shift my energies into writing. To me, writing is another form of creative expression—like art.

David Harder

Do you have unpublished books? What are they about?

I have several unpublished works. “Second Harvest” is about discovering love late in life. It is set in the late 1800s and the main character, Roy, falls in love with a woman half his age. “Second Time” is about the same character as he enters a new chapter in his life as a family man and the local US Marshall. “Killing Arizona” and “Tuscon Terror” are two more books concerning the grandson of the US Marshall, Roy, and how this young man cannot live up to the standards set by his legendary grandfather. One pit-fall after another happens to Dean, but he somehow manages to narrowly escape danger. “Pride & Conflict” along with “Pride & Consequences” is a two volume series about an immigrant family whose third generation son discovers the cure for an illness which has plagued the women in the family for years. “Cause & Effect: Nazareth's Craftsman” is a historic epic into the life of Joseph, the biblical character who is the father of Jesus. “Owlette P.I.” is a young adult story about a nerdy, twelve-year-old girl who solves an old cold-case murder, yet no one believes her until it’s too late. “Masquerade” is about a Special Forces soldier whose secret could shatter the lives of his comrades. It is a story about prejudices and overcoming stereotypes. Sample chapters for some of these titles may be found on WattPad.

David Harder

What do you think should be improved in the education of our children? What do we lack?

Not enough emphasis is being placed on the creative arts in schools these days. In addition, schools push students through thinking they will go on to college. Not every student wants to go to college. More emphasis on skilled labor would be beneficial to society in the long run.

David Harder

If you were allowed 3 wishes – what would they be?

First wish would be for unlimited wishes. Second wish would be for a long healthy life. Third wish would be to live without concern for money.

David Harder

What is your favorite music?

I enjoy a variety of music from classical to country, pop to jazz, from easy-listening to new-age instrumental. I also enjoy contemporary Christian.

David Harder

Share a secret with us 🙂

I injured my lower spine during a trade show accident in 1995. I’ve had four surgeries, which includes rods and screws in my back.

David Harder
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