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Where the Humans Howl

Where the Humans Howl

Literary Short Stories


Muhammad Nasrullah Khan



Publish Date

July 17, 2020

Short Description

The stories in Where the Humans Howl are mesmerizing, they drip with vivid imagery. Suppose one could capture the heart and lay emotions bare; this is what Khan has done. The characters in Muhammad Nasrullah Khan's masterful short stories bear out this adage. Men are wolves towards other men, towards women and children, and basically towards all creation. But here and there are points of light where humanity shines; and that is our redemption. His use of English is poetic, his depth of emotions pulls you into the lives of his characters! He makes you smile. He makes you laugh and makes you cry. His characters are real. They’re 3 dimensional. They’ll worm their way into your heart!


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The Winner

Book's Awards


Where the Human's Howl a collection of amazing short stories, of which several have been nominated for awards. The seventeen stories, set mostly on the Asian culture, all carry the sense of a dark resonance. Some explore themes of catastrophe, death and despair, while others talk of love and longing, with them all being highly complimented by readers with emotive writing skills. In the short story'Donkey-Man', we read about a man who lived all his life among animals and writer, as a child, is surprised to know that he was a human. In the story "In Search of God' we meet a character who is confused by different religious sect and defines God in his own simple way. The villagers, who claim the real follower of God, don't allow him to live in the village, but he is welcomed by God. In the story, “The Last Storyteller", the narrator is at odds with a changing world. Through his three windows, he is offered glimpses of beauty and joy, but, alas, reality intrudes. On the way to capturing his tale, the windows show him the grace of the blue bird who sings in his garden, the joy of the young boys playing cricket by the graveyard and lastly, the sadness of a mysterious figure, the Last Storyteller, whose livelihood is as endangered as that of the rare bird’s. Although some of these stories do deal with rather gloomy thoughts of life, they are all written in such a way that the stories told are interesting to read and really do make you think. This collection of short stories is definitely an interesting read with some of the questional topics not always being fully answered. And with many of the stories covering such dark subjects you will truly find it a hard book to put down. Below is one of the revoews on this book: " Where The Humans Howl: When words are insufficient to describe and present a review of a book, however, Muhammad Nasrullah Khan has done this in Where the Humans Howl. His poetic proses tell the stories of the human condition. They are stories that the readers can relate to no matter where they are and their circumstances. The stories in Where the Humans Howl are mesmerising, they drip with vivid imagery. Suppose one could capture the heart and lay emotions bare; this is what Khan has done.

I have been wrestling for weeks, trying to find the words to describe the feelings felt from reading 'Where the Humans Howl'. Muhammad Nasrullah Khan stories are not just descriptive. They are engaging and poetic. It is the lyrical and its corresponding vivid imagery that propels one forward.

'Chasing Butterflies in the Days of War', in its graphic detail, portrays a range of human emotions. It speaks of the futility of war, of a child seeing the wonder in the world. It shows how adults have lost the capacity to dream and wonder. The child, in all his innocence, can find abstract beauty in the world. The adults, with their politics and morality, are incapable of grasping the wonders around them. The Humans Howls reminds us that even amid war and its capacity to desensitise the human soul, we can still regain our humanity and have compassion for the enemy. 'The Human Who had Many Names' shows that the persecuted still can rise above their tormentors despite our inhumane treatment of them. The subject of this story is as relevant today ad it was then. A world where we always seek to find others that we believe are beneath us. I highly recommend 'Where The Humans Howl'. It tells stories about the human condition, love, loss, the capacity to dream, and the struggle to find meaning in our lives."

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Muhammad Nasrullah Khan

Muhammad Nasrullah Khan


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