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When The Night Gets Rough

When The Night Gets Rough

Poems for the racing mind


Alejandra Metcalf


Fantasy, Fiction, Poetry

Publish Date

November 12, 2019

Short Description

Aviana is not someone to fight,
She’s the thing you feel staring at you at night.
She may look tiny, but she’s rough.
She doesn’t care if you are tough. 


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The Winner

Book's Awards


“Aviana is not someone to fight,
She’s the thing you feel staring at you at night.
She may look tiny, but she’s rough.
She doesn’t care if you are tough.
She’s tired of the daily shows,
How many she’s seen, no one knows.
She likes revenge, and she always wins,
She is the karma for your sins.
Blazing like a fire, cooler than ice.
Her lessons will make you think twice.
This is a fair warning, you can trust me,
She punished my actions, forever trapped I will be.”

A collection of poems that span multiple generations, this book tells the story of the invisible battle being fought that affects the daily lives of humans. Touching on sensitive topics ranging from self-harm, suicide, eating disorders and depression to bullying and test anxiety, these poems and characters will touch your soul and bring you into their world. Take a look inside the invisible battle that is being fought day and night by angelic, demonic and sometimes neutral characters as multiple generations of warriors describe the outside influences on everyday problems humans run into throughout their lives.

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Alejandra Metcalf

Alejandra Metcalf


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