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The Last Stop

The Last Stop


Patricia Street


Biography / Memoir, Nonfiction, Parenting

Publish Date

October 19, 2021

Short Description

The Last Stop is a memoir about losing a son to heroin addiction as told from the perspective of the author/mother (Patricia) and son (David). Intimate scenes of an addict's lifestyle and the parent’s struggle to understand addiction are revealed in real, raw, and vivid detail. David’s story is a window into the tragedy and impacts the opioid crisis is having on families across America.



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Part 1 of The Last Stop is a memoir about losing a son to heroin addiction as told from the perspective of the author/mother (Patricia) and her son (David). Intimate scenes of an addict's lifestyle and the parent’s struggle to understand addiction are revealed in real, raw, and vivid detail. David’s story is a window into the tragedy and impacts the opioid crisis is having on families across America. All facets of addiction are discussed, including how addiction turned David into a stranger who lied, manipulated, and denied his drug use for years, arrests/jail terms, failed treatments, recovery, and relapse. Patricia's experiences and mistakes, enabling, loving an addict, and the two-fold dilemma of how to grieve addiction and then death. David passed away at the age of 39 following a debilitating infection caused by his drug use. The book is written to help other parents cope with an addicted loved one and to give hope for recovery. David wanted to be a published author, Part 2 of The Last Stop is a collection of David's short stories, essays, and poetry.

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Patricia Street

Patricia Street


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