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The Antiquities Dealer

The Antiquities Dealer

A David Greenberg Mystery


Ed Protzel


Fiction, Science Fiction, Mystery, Suspense, Thriller

Publish Date

November 5, 2018

Short Description

Fanatical religious factions and futuristic biotechnology collide in a desperate quest for truth—with humanity’s future hanging in the balance.


The Winner

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Pursued across continents by Christian, Jewish and Muslim extremists, all seeking a priceless relic, antiquities dealer David Greenberg must decipher the sole clue to its whereabouts. Is humankind’s future at stake? Who is behind the plot — and why?

When Miriam Solomon, the love of David Greenberg’s life, phones him at his antiquities gallery in St. Louis, the black hole at the center of his heart shudders. Twenty years earlier, Miriam had inexplicably run off to Israel with his best friend, Solly, a brilliant but nerdy young scientist. Now she tells David that Solly has committed suicide and she needs his aid on a secret research project Solly left unfinished: to acquire the one remaining nail from the crucifixion of Jesus. Is she telling the truth? And why does that nail have such significance? Everyone has his or her own agenda…each with its own mortal consequences.

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Ed Protzel

Ed Protzel


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