The Story of Nicodemus
David Harder
Fiction, Religious
Publish Date
June 9, 2020
Short Description
Escaped narrowly after the fall of Jerusalem . . .
Pursued relentlessly by the Sanhedrin . . .
Entrusted covertly with a mission more significant than he had imagined . . .
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Escaped narrowly after the fall of Jerusalem . . .
Pursued relentlessly by the Sanhedrin . . .
Entrusted covertly with a mission more significant than he had imagined . . .
From the prison colony on Patmos, the Apostle John entrusts Nicodemus with manuscripts for the Christian fellowships increasing throughout the Roman Empire. While transcribing the manuscript, Nicodemus is prompted to recall his former life and his encounter with Yeshua - a man of mystery, a healer, a teacher, and a prophet. An encounter that changed everything.
Under the cover of darkness, risking his reputation and endangering his life even further, it is here that Nicodemus realizes the world-changing power of the Good News . . . and what being a follower of Yeshua truly means.