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Murder in Mystic

Murder in Mystic

Liz Adams Mysteries Book #1


Marilyn Dalla Valle


Fiction, Mystery, Paranormal and Supernatural, Women

Publish Date

December 12, 2012

Short Description

Anger, hurt and rage boil beneath a thin veneer, which lead to murder in the peaceful surroundings of the historic seaport, Mystic, Connecticut.


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The peaceful surroundings of the historic seaport, Mystic, Connecticut, enticed Liz and Garret Adams to leave their hectic careers and move aboard their sailboat, Sloopy. Only a year had passed when they stumbled onto the remains of a young, Naval officer, who washed ashore at Napatree Point. While waiting for Garret to return with the police, Liz is gripped by feelings that she does not understand and would plunge her into a treacherous search for the killer.

With the help of the local psychic, Liz discovers that the harmonious group of tenants that share the dock she calls home is not as it appears. Anger, hurt and rage boil beneath a thin veneer.

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Marilyn Dalla Valle

Marilyn Dalla Valle


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