Meeting Laura
A novel loosely and partially inspired by the life of… - [English Edition]
Anna "Annina" Lorenzi
Publish Date
May 18, 2020
Short Description
"...dedicated to those minds wanting to think, to those hearts wanting to beat, to the brave and the crazy."
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Book's Awards
A young writer, a challenge that he can’t not accept and his “crazy” idea to follow that dream with his whole being. In his pocket, a plane ticket for New York, a few bucks, a little bit of fear, and a lot of determination.
A manuscript that he hugs to himself, “as if it were the most important thing on the face of the earth,” a book already written, ready to be consigned to the world, but with a surprise ending that draws the reader in.
A trip with an uncertain outcome, most assuredly unexpected, in order to meet his muse, and to give her his opus, sensations, words, and emotions for a better tomorrow.
An unusual trip, apparently simple, but always intriguing in its “becoming,” narrated among thoughts, memories, emotions, and clear images depicting her, Laura, really that same Laura that the whole world knows and acclaims...
(or maybe not?)
Born in Milan on a rainy Monday morning the 26th of October, 1981. She went to - or, better yet, “went to” - two years of classical studies high school, followed by four years of artistic studies high school, without, in any event, being able to resist dedicating herself to her passions: writing, music, photography, her beloved dogs, engines, travelling and nature. Talking about work, she really does “a little bit of everything,” so much so that, together with some friends, she founded a company in Texas that deals with classic cars. Participating in writing contests and working with some Italian magazines, she has published various short stories and articles. Currently, she shares her creative writing accompanied by photographs and images on her personal site, Diciannove - Prima di nascere ero sull'astronave che aspettavo di scendere ( - Nineteen - Before I was born I was on a space ship waiting to come down). She also promotes her other literary publications, internationally.
Starleen K. Meyer has been translating from Italian into English for years: academic works in the broad humanities field, such as on architectural or music history, but also literary works. She has her B.A. in art, her M.A. and Ph.D. in art history, and has also published contributions in scholarly books and journals.
"Meeting Laura" - An "A19" Project
Copyright ©2019-2020 Anna Lorenzi. All rights reserved.
Original Title: "Incontrando Laura – Un romanzo liberamente e in parte ispirato alla vita di..."
Translated from Italian by Starleen K. Meyer
Although the novel is loosely – and only partially – inspired by the life of Laura Prepon, this is a work of fiction, and this book is not authorized and/or endorsed by L. H. Prepon. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events, names, characters, businesses, places, locales, and incidents are purely coincidental, produced by the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner.