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Anna "Annina" Lorenzi

About The Author

I’m Anna Lorenzi, or “Annina” (“little Anna”), an affectionate nickname given to me when I was very little, and not because I’m so short (!), but because I was usually the youngest. I was born in Milan on a rainy Monday morning, the 26th of October in 1981. My lucky number is 19 (the basis of my signature A19). The rest of my motto comes from what I used to ask my mom when I was a little girl, “But where was I when you and daddy…?” Before I was born I was on a spaceship waiting to come down.


In my own little way, I have really done a little bit of everything, both professionally and personally, trying to cultivate all my passions with enthusiasm. Passions such as two- and four-wheeled vehicles, music, photography, traveling (the States!), my adored dogs, nature, my bonsai … and, obviously, writing.


I have been filling sheets and sheets with black ink all my life. I think that I began at around 6 years of age (yes, before I even knew how to do it!), and, even with highs and lows, I’ve never stopped. Armed with paper, pens, empathy and imagination, I’ve always loved to describe what I see outside and inside of myself.


I’m not a “wet behind the ears” writer. I have been writing privately “forever,” and I’ve participated in various literary competitions, I’ve worked for some Italian magazines and blogs, I’ve published tales, fables, writings, articles, interviews … and, since February 2019,  I’ve been managing a personal blog,, dedicated to my creative writing in which I gather my new and old works, accompanied by images and photographs.


Currently, other than taking care of a company that I founded in Texas quite a few years ago, I am concentrating on the promotion of my books, website, Facebook page and other linked social media accounts, mainly in Italy, the USA, Canada and England.


For me, writing is not just a passion. It’s my first way to communicate. It’s something that is a part of my being, something I couldn’t ever do without, a need, sometimes.


I think that among the fundamental characteristics of a writer (and not only a writer!) must always be honesty, originality, humility … and the spontaneity of those who live every day with a mind that wants to think, and a heart that wants to beat, all with courage and a touch of madness.


So, yes, I’m Anna “Annina” Lorenzi, and I’m a writer, author, and more. :-)



Literary Work & Publications


On 19 May 2020Incontrando Laura. Un romanzo liberamente e in parte ispirato alla vita di was released, accompanied by its English edition Meeting Laura. A novel loosely and partially inspired by the life of… professionally translated by Starleen K. Meyer. The release date of the two audiobooks has not been decided, yet.


In August 2020, Anna began working on the sequel of Meeting Laura and on a completely different side project, which she decided to prioritize. – The release of the sequel is currently still to be defined.


On 8 February 2021The Microscope. Una raccolta di scatti immortalati con la penna was released, accompanied by its English edition, The Microscope. A collection of snapshots immortalized with a pen (#TheMicroscope – Some Call It Poetry). – Genre: Contemporary Poetry. From the book series: Some Call It Poetry


On 8 May 2021The Roller Coaster – UP&Down! – Un’estensione di The Microscope (qualcuno le chiama poesie) and its English edition, The Roller Coaster – Up&Down! – An extension of The Microscope (some call it poetry), were released by surprise. The second poetic collection of the author that enriches and completes the previous one to which it is closely connected. – Genre: Contemporary Poetry. From the book series: Some Call It Poetry#TheRollerCoaster


During the subsequent summer, Anna wanted to try something new and different from her other projects, and so a really beautiful collaboration with Gabriele Corvi, a well-known Italian cartoonist, was born: her first illustrated book, written a bit tongue-in-cheek for everyone, young and old, “from zero to 100.”


On 11 November 2021, The Story of Ace, the Dog that Comes from Space, was released with illustrations and a preface by Lele Corvi (original title: La Storia di Ignazio, il cane che arriva dallo Spazio). A book for everyone. Genre: comics and graphic novel, general / narrative for children, illustrated books. – #KnowAce #ConosciIgnazio


On 26 March 2022, the bilingual edition of Ignazio/Ace was also published: The Story of Ace, the Dog that Comes from Space: English-Italian Text Edition! with its version for the Italian market, La Storia di Ignazio, il Cane che Arriva dallo Spazio: Edizione Italiano-Inglese con Testo a Fronte! . A book for all children from 3 to 99 years! Genre: children’s fiction, picture books / bilingual education / foreign languages.


On May 26th, 2022the third poetic collection of the author had a surprise official release: – OFF – (Danzando ai Margini del Lato Oscuro) and its English edition, – OFF – (Dancing Along the Margins of the Dark Side) – Genre: Contemporary Poetry. From the book series: Some Call It Poetry#OFF


In May 2023, the two book series Il Cane Ignazio and The Dog Ace were born on Amazon. In the second half of the month, the weekly appointment of our friend from space became a collection of little volumes with color illustrations. The titles of the first two to be published – always in close collaboration with Lele Corvi for the drawings and Starleen K. Meyer for the English translations – are I Biscottini di Ignazio (Vol. 1) and its English edition, Ace’s Dog Biscuits (Vol. 1). – Genre: Narrative, Humor / Narrative for children, Illustrated books.


All the mentioned works are independent self-publications, available in paperback and Kindle eBook versions, in Italian and English editions (always professionally translated by Starleen K. Meyer), in all Amazon stores (and not only that! All the links are on the page “Available Books”).


Anna “Annina” Lorenzi – Available Books
Anna “Annina” Lorenzi – Press Area


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Translated from Italian by: Starleen K. Meyer, all its contents and all the mentioned books – except where differently indicated – are “Original A19” Projects. Copyright © Anna Lorenzi. All rights reserved.



Anna "Annina" Lorenzi


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Short Stories by the Author

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Books by the Author

Ace's Dog Biscuits - Vol.1 (The Dog Ace)
The Microscope.
- OFF -
Meeting Laura
The Story of Ace, the Dog that Comes from Space
The Roller Coaster - Up&Down! -
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