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The Story of Ace, the Dog that Comes from Space

The Story of Ace, the Dog that Comes from Space


Anna "Annina" Lorenzi


Fiction, Children's Books, Teen and Young Adult, Humor Fiction

Publish Date

November 11, 2021

Short Description

"Dedicated to those who, in spite of everything, don't want to lose their smiles." -A19

(A book for everybody)


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What happens when an author, such as Anna “Annina” Lorenzi, of stories, novels, and poetry decides to write a book illustrated ironically, and she encounters “the pencil” of a famous cartoonist, such as Lele Corvi? Well, what a question, Ace is born!

The story of Ace was written with a smile to make readers smile, but also to reflect. It’s a book for everyone. If a range of ages had to be specified, it would surely be “from 0 to 100.”

Ace is determined, with his principles, his ideas, and his convictions, but he also is one who knows how to be ironic and to “play” with his weaknesses, his uncertainties, and delusions, reflecting on himself and on the world in which he was “catapulted” when born. (And he also really loves his friends, cuddles, and dog biscuits!) Ace will know how to make himself loved, immediately, because – as Lele Corvi writes in his preface – "…even though he comes from another planet and is a dog, he is one of us. Ace is EVERYONE of us."

Let yourself be won over by this little dog! Enjoy!



- Anna "Annina" Lorenzi -


Born the 26th of October, 1981. She went to two years of classical studies high school, followed by four years of artistic studies high school, without being able to resist dedicating herself to her passions: writing, music, photography, her beloved dogs, engines, travelling and nature. Talking about work, she really does “a little bit of everything,” so much so that, together with some friends, she founded a company in Texas that deals with classic cars. Participating in writing contests and working with some Italian magazines, she has published various short stories and articles. Currently, she shares her creative writing on her personal site ( She also promotes her previous literary publications, internationally.


- Lele Corvi -


Currently a cartoonist for the Italian newspapers Il Manifesto, Eco di Bergamo and Il Cittadino, he also draws cartoons a web portal dedicated to cinema, and for a website and magazine about catering. He is also the author of comic strips appearing in various editions of the day planner Comix, and for a few years in Focus Junior. Recently, he realized the drawings for the graphic novel Vita eccessiva di John Belushi (2019). Gabriele is also the author of various collections of cartoons, cartoon strips, and of children’s books. He has collaborated with Corriere della Sera, Gazzetta dello Sport, Avvenire, Banca Intesa, Amsa Milano, Yamaha, Procter&Gamble, Citroen, 3BMeteo, Edicola Fiore and others. He has also created covers, comics and book illustrations for various publishing houses. In addition, Gabriele has had personal exhibits, and his works have also been present in many collective exhibits. He has also won some national and international prizes dedicated to satire and comic strips.


- Translator -


Starleen K. Meyer has been translating from Italian into English for years: academic works in the broad humanities field, such as on architectural or music history, but also literary works. She has her B.A. in art, her M.A. and Ph.D. in art history, and has also published contributions in scholarly books and journals.





Original title: “La Storia di Ignazio, il Cane che Arriva dallo Spazio”. Translated from Italian by Starleen K. Meyer.
An “Original A19" Project in collaboration with Lele Corvi. Copyright ©2021 Anna Lorenzi. Cover & book design: A19. Copyright ©2021 Anna Lorenzi. Illustrations: Lele Corvi. Copyright ©2021 Gabriele Corvi. All rights reserved.

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Anna "Annina" Lorenzi

Anna "Annina" Lorenzi


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