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Key Largo Blues

Key Largo Blues

Karen Grace Book 2


Lynne M. Spreen


Fiction, Drama, Women, Romance

Publish Date

October 28, 2016

Short Description

Second chance romance under the palms...

"...An engrossing tale of female self-discovery." - The Prairies Book Review


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The Winner

Book's Awards


When Karen Grace turned fifty, she lost her marriage and her job. Now she’s starting over, and this time, she’s determined to do it her own way. But everybody wants something. Her family and friends want more of her time, her hometown sweetheart wants a commitment, and her fledgling business is on life support. When a young friend arrives, fleeing domestic abuse, her life gets even wilder. And love? Who has time for love?

This is the story of a middle-aged woman trying to figure out where she ends and everybody else begins. Can she finally be in charge of her own life, but still be a good friend, auntie, and lover? What are the rules now that she's older? And who gets to make them? Join Karen Grace in this upbeat, life-affirming journey of self-discovery in a romantic tropical setting sure to melt your heart.

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Lynne M. Spreen

Lynne M. Spreen


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