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Hands Across the Sea

Hands Across the Sea


Brian Cook


Fiction, Police / Detective, Crime, Thriller, Drama, Suspense, Contemporary

Publish Date

October 12, 2022

Short Description

Hands Across the Sea is the saga of the Office of the Sheriff, known as, the Agency. The main premises are the changing of the guard when the old sheriff, Garrison Cottrell, abruptly resigns due to a life-threatening illness, and hands the keys to his handpick successor, Brendan Callaghan and a complaint lodged by the union alleging that the promotional tests was manipulated so a select few would score higher. There are also various storylines, subplots, and backstories that helps to fuel this high-paced novel. You’ll laugh, smile, and cry. In short, HATS is Peyton Place with badges and guns. Not your prototypical police story.


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What happens when real talk gets a little too real?

This character-driven saga puts the Office of the Sheriff, known as the Agency, in the crosshairs as Hands Across the Sea delves behind the badge during the transition of their longtime sheriff, Garrison Cottrell, abruptly retiring and passing the torch to his unexpected hand-picked successor: Commander Brendan Callaghan.

Witness how the Command staffers’ leadership styles, where the rubber really meets the road, and exposes their personal and professional isms during kaleidoscopic situations. Gear up for what happens when the door shuts and the dialogue begins - and sometimes, not in that order when the Office of the Sheriff often takes on the guise of Peyton Place with handcuffs.

But we’re still talking about professionals, right?

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Brian Cook

Brian Cook


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