Godfather Of The Galaxy
Mark Castleberry
Fiction, Teen and Young Adult
Publish Date
July 6, 2020
Short Description
Who is Thermonte Electrik? How did he become the greatest crime lord the galaxy had ever seen? As a boy in the slums on the world of Chotis, Thermonte sought revenge for his father's death from the Corlesh Clan, the largest Mob Clan in the galaxy. As his mother tries to lead him to the Lord of the Light, he continues to advance within the clan, taking jobs on Chotis and then off-world as well. That is until the time is right and he becomes the Godfather of the Galaxy.
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Book's Awards
Who is Thermonte Electrik? How did he become the greatest crime lord the galaxy had ever seen? As a boy in the slums on the world of Chotis, Thermonte sought revenge for his father's death from the Corlesh Clan, the largest Mob Clan in the galaxy. As his mother tries to lead him to the Lord of the Light, he continues to advance within the clan, taking jobs on Chotis and then off-world as well. That is until the time is right and he becomes the Godfather of the Galaxy.
Ties into the World of Strangers and Pilgrims series, for this book, tells the beginnings of one of the characters in the book, CONFLICT WITH SHADOWS.