Carlos Beltowers
The Chosen drone
Eoin McDonald
Fiction, Action and Adventure, Fantasy, Paranormal and Supernatural, Romance, Suspense, Drama
Publish Date
August 2, 2021
Short Description
Carlos Beltowers is a wealthy Hotel owner, he also runs Bars in Manila. He is an aggressive determined person. He has little empathy or sympathy for the average man or woman. Two wives and two sons. He reaps what he hasn't sowed and takes what he hasn't earned.
He wants the Case, but so do other players!
The Drone, David Chen, is hounded by Carlos; and the Triads. Bridgett is his only saving refuge, but will she untangle herself from the clutches of Beltowers son, Michael?
The Sons of the East have power and influence. They are backed by finance through their contacts in Syria. Will they win the tussle for the possession of the Case? Will David survive the determination of the aggressors?

Book's Awards
'Carlos Beltowers,' - is the second book in 'The Chosen Drone' series by Eoin McDonald.
A Novel of 53000 words.
Carlos Beltowers must get the Case at all costs. It didn't matter to him who he used or stepped on to get it.
The Triads were involved and so was the Roman Catholic Church, but none of them counted on The Sons of the East to have the interest, influence, and finance, to be a player in this game of possession which had David Chen, The Drone, in the middle.
David was in Manila to support his friend, Jack Leoni. Jack's trial was set. Bridgett was also in the Philippines. Carlos Beltowers had enticed her to work for him as a ploy to entrap David
David was on the run. It became clear to the seekers that they needed the real Bracelet in order to control the Case. At every turn, his life was in danger.
Then Bridgett was kidnapped. It seemed Carlos' son Michael had become so infatuated with her that he couldn't bear to lose her.
The Sons of the East became major players in the sought-after Case. Life was of little value to them. They didn't care whether David lived or died; as long as they got the Case and the bracelet.