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Badfreaky The Dinosaurs and Ancient Greece

Badfreaky The Dinosaurs and Ancient Greece

The life of Badfreaky the witch Book 3


Konstantinos Adamopoulos


Teen and Young Adult

Publish Date

May 9, 2023

Short Description

Why then did the dinosaurs disappear? Who is truly responsible for their extinction? Do aliens exist? Who are they and what do they want? Badfreaky is magically transported to a world where raw violence and the law of the fittest prevail, to a world where the agonizing and endless battle for survival is the sole purpose of every living being!


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Why did the dinosaurs disappear? Who is truly responsible for their extinction? Do aliens exist? Who are they and what do they want? And how come a tyrannosaurus is eating the Parthenon?

Dinosaurs! They excite us, and at the same time, they scare us! Once, they were unquestionably rulers of our planet. Until they disappeared, and another animal species prevailed and prevails to this day. Humans!
With logic and ingenuity, we partially tamed nature and protected ourselves from its extreme elements. As social and rational beings, we created societies, evolved technologically, and developed civilization!
It is an absolute necessity, however, for us to continue the triumphant course, to approach mother nature which brought us into this world and sustains us, with heartfelt respect and humbleness with a solid disposition to protect and preserve all living and inanimate beings which surround us and compose this masterpiece of the universe that we name planet Earth!

Badfreaky is magically transported to a world where raw violence and the law of the fittest prevail, to a world where the agonizing and endless battle for survival is the sole purpose of every living being.
Uninvited, she visits a world of terrible and horrific dinosaurs and is in life-threatening danger! Further on, she moves into a completely different world. A world where philosophy and art, strength and beauty, science and democracy, comedy and drama flourished as they first manifested in ancient Athens. In the end, she receives an invitation to a third world! Divine this time!

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Konstantinos Adamopoulos

Konstantinos Adamopoulos


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