A Crooked MileRust Book 1
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A Crooked Mile

A Crooked Mile

Rust Book 1


Samantha Arthurs


Fiction, Teen and Young Adult

Publish Date

March 18, 2019

Short Description

Ramona has always the loner, the outcast, the social pariah. She has spent her entire life in Rust, Montana on the fringes, just waiting to escape her small town life. It has never been easy for Alec either, with a troubled home life and a constant battle with his inner demons nipping at his heels. He tries his best to keep up the façade he has carefully constructed, but it’s becoming easier said than done.


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The Winner

Book's Awards


Alec Davis has disappeared.

Ramona Sanders has always been that girl: the loner, the outcast, the social pariah. She has spent her entire life in Rust, Montana on the fringes, just waiting for the day that she can escape her small town life and find out who she really wants to be.

It has never been easy for Alec Davis either, with a troubled home life and a constant battle with his inner demons nipping at his heels. He tries his best to keep up the façade he has carefully constructed, but it’s becoming easier said than done.

The walls begin to crumble, however, when the two are thrust together for a semester long English project. Something begins to build between them, something that even the social order of high school can’t stop or control. Then, on New Year’s Day, the unthinkable happens and Ramona struggles to answer the question that everyone in Rust is asking…

What happened to Alec?

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Samantha Arthurs

Samantha Arthurs


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