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The Other Side

Book 1

The Other Side: Secrets

The Other Side: Secrets

Samantha had a great but ordinary life, not complex at all. She had a good job, amazing friends and family plus a boyfriend that most women prayed for. She knew exactly what she wanted. That was until she started having dreams and feelings about someone that wasn't her boyfriend or in fact a boy at all. With the support of her twin sister, Jo, she explores her feelings and turns everybody's life upside down. Will her selfish secrets ruin the relationships of everyone around her? Come along for the ride with Samantha and her journey to The Other Side.

Book 2

The Other Side: The Reveal

The Other Side: The Reveal

Sam has finally found herself or so she thinks. She knows who she wants to be with but will it be too late for their future? Will Samantha's journey to the other side all be for nothing? Will Jo and Erica’s quest for spice and adventure jeopardize everything they’re building? Will a heavy case from Rose’s past destroy lifelong friendships? Will Charlie finally put herself and her family before the needs of her sisters? Find out all this and more in The Reveal!

Book 3

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Book 4

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Book 5

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Book 6

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Book 7

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Book 8

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Book 9

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Book 10

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Book 11

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Book 12

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Book 13

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Book 14

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Book 15

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Book 16

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Book 17

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Book 18

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Book 19

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Book 20

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O'Jay Barr


O’Jay Barr is a new breakthrough author and enjoys writing in the lesbian drama/romance genre. When not writing she loves to travel, dance and spend time with her wife, daughters, and grandbabies. O’Jay is a Trenton, NJ native currently residing in Atlanta, GA.

O’Jay believes that she was always destined to do something in the arts. Before discovering her love for writing, she danced and acted all the way up to and through high school. She then started writing poetry and short stories. When ‘life’ and motherhood became her reality, O’Jay put those dreams on hold. She obtained her undergraduate and graduate degrees from Montclair State University in Child Advocacy and Policy.

The Other Side Series currently has two books and she projects there will be 3-4 in total.

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