Adventures with Pop Pop
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Adventures with Pop Pop

Book 1

Grandman Dean Goes Big Shopping

Grandman Dean Goes Big Shopping

This Multi-Award-Winning Picture Book brings a delightful new twist to children’s stories. The real-life Pop Pop dubbed his grandsons as Grandmen and began writing stories about their real-life adventures. In this first book of the series, grandparents, parents, preschool children, and children will enjoy Pop Pop with his Grandman Dean as they go on their big shopping adventure at Walmart. Readers can follow along and vicariously enjoy this adventure shopping for toys and watching imagination at play as Pop Pop gets lost looking for the toy aisle. Nurturing, learning lessons, family relationship, having fun and love are blended into this colorful and beautiful illustrated book. The main message is about being present, spending quality time, and creating lasting childhood memories. Additionally, educational themes are incorporated focused on behavior, good choices, empathy, and basic skills, while fostering positive family and social interactions.

Book 2

Grandman Dean's Preschool Adventures

Grandman Dean's Preschool Adventures

In the second book in the Adventures with Pop Pop series, follow Grandman Dean as he learns the daily routines of preschool. His caring teachers teach Dean and his classmates arts and crafts, how to write their letters, and how to play with each other. They learn, play, and even get to climb a fire truck and go inside a police car and ambulance. Pop Pop takes Grandman Dean to school and picks him up after school, and sometimes little brother, Grandman Levi, comes along.

Book 3

Pandemic Adventures with Pop Pop

Pandemic Adventures with Pop Pop

This third book in the series fast-forwards four years to the 2020 pandemic with a unique approach to that unprecedented year. While activities were restricted for children, parents and grandparents found ways to keep going. Pandemic Adventures with Pop Pop follows the unique way Pop Pop found to entertain his Grandmen Dean and Levi. During the pandemic, or as Grandman Dean called it, “The Sickness,” Pop Pop found fun ways to keep his Grandmen safe, educating them while also creating positive and fun memories.


The Adventures with Pop Pop series of children’s books covers adventures with Pop Pop and his Grandmen. Each book takes us on an adventure to places like Walmart, preschool, and adventures during the pandemic. Future books will cover more adventures, like a birthday party with a surprise visit by Louie the mascot from the St. Louis Blues, Grant’s Farm, the arrival of little brother, and many more.

Fans of Pop Pop and the Grandmen can follow on social media and also follow along on YouTube with snippets of their adventures that inspired the books.

Book 4

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Book 5

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Book 6

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Book 7

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Book 8

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Book 9

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Book 10

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Book 11

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Book 12

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Book 13

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Book 14

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Book 15

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Book 16

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Book 17

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Book 18

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Book 19

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Book 20

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Warren Martin is a multi-genre writer, with a focus on military, crime drama, and chilldren’s books. Warren’s recent dive into children’s books was inspired by his own current experiences with his grandsons, who he dubbed as his Grandmen, and hense the “Adventures with Pop Pop” series began.


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