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David R. Gross

About The Author

David R. Gross graduated from Colorado State University’s veterinary school in 1960 and was in private practice for ten years. He enrolled in graduate school and earned a M.Sc. degree in 1972 and a PhD degree in 1974 from the Ohio State University. He taught and did research at Texas A & M University; College of Veterinary Medicine for sixteen years then became Director of the Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery Research labs at the University of Kentucky, College of Medicine for five years. He retired in 2006 after twelve years as Professor and Head of Veterinary Biosciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.


Dr. Gross is a Fellow of the Cardiovascular Section of the American Physiological Society. During his academic career he published over ninety papers in refereed scientific journals and over a hundred abstracts in proceedings of scientific meetings. He co-edited three multi-authored textbooks and the third edition of his single author text, ANIMALS MODELS IN CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH is in most medical libraries.


Since retirement, Dr. Gross has been busy writing both fiction and non-fiction. He published a self-help, study, and learn, guide. SUCCEEDING AS A STUDENT. ANIMALS DON’T BLUSH is a memoir of his first year in veterinary practice. MAN HUNT is a historical novel about the New Mexico territory. TRAVELS WITH CHARLIZE, is a memoir of a year spent traveling the west with a rescue dog after his wife of almost 53 years died of lung cancer. A MEXICAN ADVENTURE is another memoir of the year he and his family spent in Mexico just prior to the 1968 Olympic Games. DEFENDER OF THE TEXAS FRONTIER, is a historical novel about John Coffee Hays. THE WARRIOR RABBI, another historical novel is based on the life of Samuel Ibn Nagrella, who lived from 993-1056 AD. Nagrella accomplished great deeds and published poetry and Talmudic commentaries still read today. THE HANNA LEGACY is the story of 5 generations of the same family on Pass Ranch, in the Sandhills of north central Nebraska. SAFE HAVEN tells the story of Hasdai ibn Shaprut's (915-975 AD) search for a place persecuted Jews could escape. All books are available as e-books from all major vendors and in print form from your local independent bookstore as well as from Amazon.

David R. Gross


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Short Stories by the Author

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Books by the Author

Safe Haven
The Warrior Rabbi
Man Hunt
The Hanna Legacy
Defender of the Texas Frontier
Travels with Charlize
A Mexican Adventure
Animals Don't Blush
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