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Go Ask Your Grand

Jeffrey Pipes Guice

When it comes to solving problems…

And you don’t think your Mom will understand…

You need to find the best solutions…

That’s right! Go ask your Grand!


It was Grandma who smoked skinny cigarettes…

Occasionally she even smoked pot…

It was your Grandmother who used to punish your Mom…

Whether your Mom liked it or not…


It was your Grandma who first wore bellbottoms…

She wore mini skirts and burned her bra…

It was Grandma who listened to The Rolling Stones…

Swam in Lake Pontchartrain in the raw…


Look at the fashions you’re wearing today…

It was your Mimi who taught you about style…

She practically perfected your very look…

I want you to think about that for a while…


Now, when it comes to drinking…

Staying out in da Quarters until 4:00am…

Your Grandma could probably drink you under the table…

And she’ll do it over and over again…


So the next time you get yourself in trouble…

And you know you’ve been acting the fool…

Walk yourself right over to Grandma’s house…

You’ll find that she’s actually pretty cool…


© 2021 Jeffrey Pipes Guice

My Wonder Years: A Book — in New Orleans, Louisiana.

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