Partners Portal | BooksShelf
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Welcome to our exclusive partner hub! We are thrilled to offer you a world of exceptional savings and unmatched privileges. As a valued member of our partner network, you're entitled to access a curated selection of special discounted offers that are tailored just for you. Explore these remarkable deals and elevate your experience with us. Discover the power of partnership as we present you with unparalleled opportunities to save and succeed. It's our way of saying thank you for choosing us as your trusted collaborator. Dive in and unlock a realm of exclusive benefits that await you on this dedicated page.
*This page is exclusively reserved for our partners, and it is not accessible for individual authors to place orders.

Our prices are generously discounted, inclusive of VAT, and require only a single one-time payment.
Please, before or after your purchase, don't forget to create an author profile and add the book/s

Monthly Promo

Permanent Spot on our website
Book Spot on  Editor's Choice  Promo Page - 1 month
Homepage Top Spot Book  - 1 month
Top Author Badge -1

Short Stories (add as many as you wish)

Included in 1 Newsletter

Book of the Day - 1 + Social media post

Add ALL books by the author to BooksShelf

 Seasonal Mockup



Monthly Promo Order
Monthly Promo

Book Series Promo
3 Months

PERMANENT Spot for your Book Series*
(*no matter how many books are in the series)
Banner for your Series*
(*that will be displayed on our website and you'll receive it as well with all rights to use it as a promotional creative)
Be on the TOP Spot for 3 months*
(*your series will be displayed on the top of the page with a "Top Pick" label)


Book Series Order
Book Series

Book of the Week Promo

1. Author's main book 
2. Your photo, name, short biography, and links to your Social Media and Website (if you have one)
3. We'll feature the author's other books (up to 4 other titles)
4. Special feature of author's interview + link to it on our website

All the links will lead directly to your books' Amazon link - all interested readers will be able to purchase the book/s RIGHT AWAY!
The links that will lead to our website are Author profile and Author Interview


Book of the Week Order
Book of theWeek

Book of the Day Promo

  • Prime spot placing on our Home page for a whole day of your choosing

  • Top Author Spot displayed on Home Page and Our Authors page for 2 Weeks

  • Stay in Book of the Day Archive Forever

  • Social Media Posts

  • Special Mockup


Book of the Day Order
Book of the Day

Newsletter Campaign

  • Your Book will be in one of the top places in our Newsletter

  • Cover + title/subtitle + author name + short description will be added 

  • Link to your book on Amazon /or another marketplace if you prefer/


Newsletter  Order
Newslettr Campaign

Banner - Homepage

  • We'll include the book on our Homepage

  • We'll create a thematical banner/mockup for the book (included in the package)

  • The book will be included in our monthly Books of the Month Newsletter

  • The package includes 1 Social media post on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter


Banner HP  Order

Banner - Inner Page

  • We'll include the book on our All Books Page, Fiction or Nonfiction depending on the genre

  • We'll create a thematical banner/mockup for the book (included in the package)

  • The book will be included in our monthly Books of the Month Newsletter

  • The package includes 1 Social media post on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter


Banner Inner Page  Order

6-Month Plan

📚 Permanent Spot on our website for author's ALL your Books
📚 Book Spot on  Special Promo Page "Editor's Choice" - 1 Book 
📚 Homepage Top Picks Spot  - 1 Book 
📚 Top Author Badge 

📚 Top Author Homepage spot

📚 Short Story

📚 Author Interview

📚 Post Unlimited Short Stories


6-month Plan  Order
6-mont plan

Book Review

Detailed and Honest Book Review that covers the most crucial elements of one book. 
Length: 350 - 600 words

delivery: 2 months

We accept ALL Genres.

What Does it Include?

  • Pros & Cons and Comments

  • Suggestions for improvement (if any). ​

  • Conclusion


You have the right to choose if the review or parts of the review are to be published on our website, and/or Goodreads, and/or Amazon.



  • Permanent Spot on our Website

  • Book Review Spot (if you decide to publish it)


Book Review  Order
Upload Manuscript
Book Review

Promo Video

(up to 35 seconds)

You choose what type of video you want. It can be:

  • Seasonal - Easter, 4th of July, Labor Day, Halloween, Christmas, etc.

  • Book signing - Including date, time, and place of the event

  • New release - Let your existing and new readers know that you're publishing your next work

  • Pre-order - Nudge your audience with a stylish and captivating "mini-trailer"

  • Giveaway - Hype up your fans for your next giveaway

  • ... and many more!


Promo Video  Order
Promo Video

Writing Contest

Fiction & NonFiction Contests
Please, click HERE for full information. 


Writing Contest  Order
Select an option
Writing Contest
Writing Contest  Order
Upload Book Cover
Book Cover Contest

Please, let us know if you have any questions or if you're interested in other offers not displayed here.

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