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Exclusive Interview with

Curtis Jordan


When did you start writing?

I started writing when I was 18 years old. I was in a conversation with my sister about relationships and I had questions that I didn’t ask her. I decided to write my questions down. I’m not sure what I was going to do with them, but over the course of 15 years, those questions turned into my first book.

Curtis Jordan

What makes writing your passion?

I love the way people feel and look when after they read my work, they look at me and say, “I didn’t know you could write.” That is the best feeling.

Curtis Jordan

How long have you been writing?

I’ve been writing seriously for the past 10 years

Curtis Jordan

What was the feeling when you published your first book?

I was like a little kid at Christmas. The pride and excitement I felt is indescribable. The best day of my life.

Curtis Jordan

What’s the story behind your choice of characters?

I choose people who relate to something or someone you’ve seen or experienced.

Curtis Jordan

What annoys you the most in pursuing a writing career?

Noise! I’m good at blocking out the excessive chatter, but writing takes a bit of silence. My life is far from silent, so there is my challenge.

Curtis Jordan

How do you get over the “writer’s block”?

I typically interact with people more. People will always bring about new ideas because someone will say something that will spark your creative juices.

Curtis Jordan

We all know the writer’s path is never easy, what makes you keep going? What advice would you give to new authors?

I keep going hoping for another idea that will bless someone or bless a child. I remember the book that sparked me to want to read, so I’m looking to be that book for someone else. My advice to authors, you get one life to be great, don’t waste it because you were scared of a little criticism or competition. Be a thoroughbred, not a loaf of bread.

Curtis Jordan

If you could go back in time and talk to your younger self, what would you say?

Stop being scared to share your voice and ideas. Remember that everyone else is scared too.

Curtis Jordan

Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with the bad ones?

I read them and I remind myself that my books aren’t for everyone. That means not everyone has to like it. If they don’t, that’s their problem, not mine.

Curtis Jordan

What is the feeling when you get a good review?

I feel like I’ve blessed someone with my work.

Curtis Jordan

Have you ever incorporated something that happened to you in real life into your novels?

All the time. That is what my books are about.

Curtis Jordan

Which of your characters you can compare yourself with? Did you base that character on you?

Lil CJ is me all day. I had a cat and I thought she could talk to me.

Curtis Jordan

What do you think, the book cover is as important as the story?

The book cover preps the story. It’s like looking into a window of excitement.

Curtis Jordan

Do you connect with your readers? Do you mind having a chat with them or you prefer to express yourself through your writing?

I love connecting to my readers. We can chat and go over my thought process.

Curtis Jordan

How do you feel when people appreciate your work or recognize you in public?

I enjoy it because I feel like I’m making a difference.

Curtis Jordan

Who is your favorite author? Why?

Lee Iacocca
He had me mesmerized with his interactive use of vocabulary

Curtis Jordan

What’s the dream? Whom would you like to be as big as?

The dream is to be as big as I’m supposed to be. Paint a path for myself for others to follow.

Curtis Jordan

Would you rewrite any of your books? Why?

Yes, my first book. I have so much to offer now that I’m older.

Curtis Jordan

If you could switch places with any author – who would that be?

JK Rowling

Curtis Jordan

What would you say to the “trolls” on the internet? We all know them – people who like to write awful reviews to books they’ve never read or didn’t like that much, just to annoy the author.

Have a blessed day! Anything more is not worth my voice.

Curtis Jordan

What would you say to your readers?

Please tell a friend about my work and support me as much as you can. I do this for kids

Curtis Jordan

Share a bit about yourself – where do you live, are you married, do you have kids?

I am a father of 3 adult boys now young men. I am a retired Army veteran, and I love writing for children.

Curtis Jordan

What is your day job if you have one?

I work as a Registered Respiratory Therapist

Curtis Jordan

What are your hobbies? What do you do in your free time?

Chess and mentoring detention center youth.

Curtis Jordan

Did you have a happy childhood?

Absolutely happy times

Curtis Jordan

Is there a particular experience that made you start writing?

Fear of asking questions

Curtis Jordan

Do you have unpublished books? What are they about?

None right now

Curtis Jordan

What do you think should be improved in the education of our children? What do we lack?

My children are grown, but children today need to be allowed to be kids. Too much information available

Curtis Jordan

If you were allowed 3 wishes – what would they be?

To be a writer full time
To travel across the world
To help others achieve their dreams.

Curtis Jordan

What is your favorite music?


Curtis Jordan

Share a secret with us 🙂

Curtis Jordan
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