Women of Wine Country
Murder & Mayhem
T Wells Brown
Romance, Suspense, Contemporary, Women, Humor Fiction, Fiction
Publish Date
August 13, 2019
Short Description
How did I end up in this mess?
I'm stuck running my aunt's winery with a man who doesn't want me, a tribe of women who won't leave me, and a killer out to get me.
I'm afraid to ask what else could go wrong.
It's impossible to know who is friend or foe. Who wants to see me succeed and who is salivating for my demise.
Sometimes a girl just needs to sit and cry, before she enters a fight for her life.

Book's Awards
“I’m not a nice man, Isabella,” Cabe said.
Wait, this didn’t sound like an apology.
“But now that I’ve gotten a taste of you, I want more.”
Yep. Definitely not an apology.
“And Isabella, I plan to devour every inch of you,” he said, making shivers run over my skin.
He thinks he inherited me along with the winery.
He couldn't be more wrong.
Bossy-but-gorgeous Cabe Brown will break my heart if I'm not careful, I just know it.
To make matters worse, someone is trying to kill me.
Like, dead.
All I want to do is serve my delicious food to my customers and save the winery my aunt and uncle worked their entire lives building.
I can only hope Cabe can keep his hands off of me. And the food I've prepared for the paying customers out of his mouth!
Between cornering me, making me blush, and devouring my food, can Cabe keep me safe? Or will I end up dead like my aunt?
I sure the heck hope I can count on him, but I have my doubts.
And honestly, who the heck kills for grapes? Yes, it's a beautiful winery with ancient vines, some of the oldest in the world. Bellini Estates was impossible not to love. But murder?
I never wanted this. Jumpin' Jezebels, I didn't want any of it.
The price is too high.
And dealing with Cabe? It's hard!
I think he's on to me, 'cause he won't leave me alone long enough to catch my breath. It's like he knows if he gives me space, I'll take it and run!
My body flushes, and my heart beats so loud I can't hear anything else when he's around.
How am I supposed to survive a murderer and Cabe?
At least I have my Women of Wine Country tribe. I inherited them with the winery, and I couldn't get rid of them if I tried. Not that I would. Try that is. They're a crazy wine guzzling sisterhood of badass women who stick to each other like gorilla glue. Nothing pulls them apart, and nothing is ever boring when they're around. I can trust them to keep my head clear and watch out for me. I can count on them. Most of the time anyway... ♥. I wanted to be just like them.