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Westward Beyond the Horizon

Westward Beyond the Horizon


LeCain Smith


Fiction, Action and Adventure, Children's Books

Publish Date

June 2, 2022

Short Description

With over four years of cruising down the Americas and across the Pacific Oceans under her paws since she left home, Chowder presumes she is capable of handling everything. However, when sailing around the world for six years on a sailboat there is always more surprises in store for an exploring sea cat, especially when the unexpected is bound to happen.


The Winner

Book's Awards


Last in the series : The Amazing Adventures of the Sea Cat Chowder

With over four years of cruising down the Americas and across the Pacific Oceans under her paws since she left home, Chowder presumes she is capable of handling everything. However, when sailing around the world for six years on a sailboat there is always more surprises in store for an exploring sea cat, especially when the unexpected is bound to happen.

In this last book of the series, Chowder first finds herself in Australia, a continent full of crocodiles, kangaroos, and aborigines. Over the remaining years of this grand voyage, Chowder, along with Captain Lee and mate Sheila, first plot a course through the islands of Indonesia to the exotic countries of Malaysia and Thailand. Eventually they sail across the Indian Ocean to South Africa and further beyond into the South Atlantic to Brazil and the Caribbean Sea, before making the last crossings via Bermuda to their final resting spot in Maine.

During this time, Chowder reveals her experiences with alligators, prancing dolphins, powerful lightning storms, local pirates, komodo dragons, water spouts, doldrums, ocean eddies, large rolling seas, boa constrictors, wild monkeys, dancing elephants, and spouting whales. In addition, she shares more stories about unusual glowing seas, bad storms, coral reefs, giant fish, manta rays, lemurs, strange creatures, Zulu dancers, jungle safaris, exotic religious temples, and unusual native ceremonies. Her life would never be the same!

Book Trailer

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LeCain Smith

LeCain Smith


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