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Time Benders and the Long Road Home

Time Benders and the Long Road Home

Book III


JB Yanni


Fiction, Science Fiction

Publish Date

July 13, 2021

Short Description

The time travel and the chaos continues in this third installment of the Time Benders books. The fallout continues with Mary distancing herself from everyone, and the youngest of the siblings, Kim, taking the lead on a trip that explodes into multiple corrective trips to put history back to where it started and to make sure their lives are not upended. These kids will warm your hearts and restore your faith!


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The havoc wrought by the time travel continues in this third book in the Time Benders series.


Mary has been dealt a terrible blow. She discovers her fate as a result of Mr. Brewster’s and Thomas’ trip forward in time. She makes a drastic and an emotionally charged decision to break with Ken. The protection of her secret comes close to breaking the bonds between Ken and his siblings, until he overhears a conversation and learns the truth.


All the while, Kim is growing up, but impatiently waiting for her chance to make a mark on the world as her older siblings have done. She convinces Joe and Becky to join her on a humanitarian mission to Philadelphia in 1853. There to assist the abolitionist and the underground railroad, they find themselves trapped for many days in 1853 when Joe gets too close to a fugitive slave trial and winds up in jail!


The trip explodes when Mr. Brewster alerts the others to the missing Joe, Becky and Kim. Deb makes a perilous choice to reveal their secrets to Uncle Darrick. All of this time travel is cause for multiple corrective trips in the machine, when Joe’s cellmate turns out to be a co-conspirator in the Lincoln assassination and Uncle Darrick uses the machine to mend his relationship with his now dead father.


When the dust settles, and the group gathers, they make several profound decisions about their fate, their memories, and their time travel.


These now familiar characters will warm your hearts and restore your faith!

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JB Yanni

JB Yanni


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