Three Weeks Less a Day
Gary D. McGugan
Fiction, Mystery, Suspense, Thriller
Publish Date
September 15, 2016
Short Description
Three Weeks Less a Day is a fast-paced international business thriller that takes us inside the lives of high-powered executives and the lengths they will go to achieve results. It is a story of how quickly things can change at the highest levels

Book's Awards
Gary D. McGugan
FreisenPress (2016)
ISBN 9781460293263
Reviewed by Sheri Hoyte for Reader Views (7/19)
“Three Weeks Less a Day” is the first book in a trilogy of novels by Gary D. McGugan. It’s a fascinating international corporate thriller that will leave readers wondering what really goes on behind boardroom doors.
When John George Mortimer, CEO of Multima Corporation learns he has breast cancer, he knows he must start looking for his successor – but he’s going to do things his way. Mortimer’s board of directors are aware only of his plans to retire, he’s keeping his health concerns under wraps until absolute necessity dictates a need to reveal such information. Under the guise of taking proactive measures on the impending economic downturn, Mortimer charges his senior executives, each a president of one of Multima Corporation’s operating divisions, with a little friendly competition. They are each to develop a game-changer strategy that will ensure Multima Corporation continues to grow and profit in spite of the recession. With a 60-day deadline, the division presidents have their work cut out for them, but John George Mortimer isn’t out of the woods yet and he quickly finds his entire plan unraveling in “Three Weeks Less a Day.”
Gary McGugan skillfully crafts an intricate tale of suspense, thrills, and non-stop drama, and I was thoroughly captivated by, “Three Weeks Less a Day.” The writing is outstanding – McGugan delivers the reader directly into the story as a participant in the lives of these high-powered executives through authentic character development and realistic narrative.
The characters are charming and exciting, and it was so much fun getting inside their heads, learning how they tick, and trying to anticipate their next moves. They are multidimensional with commanding personalities and unrelenting determination, while also exhibiting genuine character flaws that strengthen and enrich the plot. The level of detail with which McGugan portrays his characters reveals his expertise in the business world, and his author voice is distinctive and eloquent.
The nugget that puts this story in the upper echelons for me is John George Mortimer’s battle with breast cancer. I don’t think I’ve ever read a book featuring a male character struggling with what is perceived to be a “female” disease and McGugan brings a wealth of information about the subject, weaving it seamlessly into the story for a unique, engaging plot twist.
“Three Weeks Less a Day” by Gary D. McGugan will appeal to a wide audience. Those interested in suspense and corporate intrigue flavored with the ruthless machinations of organized crime will find it an impressive debut novel that’s hard to put down. It’s clear McGugan has found his niche in the world of corporate thrillers and I look forward to reading, “The Multima Scheme,” the next novel in this innovative, exciting series.