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The Sentinel of the Chakra Stones

The Sentinel of the Chakra Stones

Book One


Christine Boucher


Fiction, Mythological, Teen and Young Adult, Fantasy

Publish Date

February 20, 2022

Short Description

You never know when an ordinary teenager will blossom into something extraordinary.


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Jaden is a fourteen-year-old girl abandoned by her mother, unwanted by her father, and tormented at school. She fills her alone time exploring the streets of her hometown of Nashua, New Hampshire. She discovers a flea market and is drawn to the table of a mysterious lady selling Tibetan singing bowls and crystals. The impulse purchase of a crystal chakra set reveals a mystical destiny.

Jaden and her only friend, Alister, are transported to Mount Shasta, California, which hides the Lemurian City of Telos. It is here, at the first Earth chakra location, where Jaden and Alister become part of a secret world of teenagers and esoteric beings working to protect the Earth chakra energies from the Keeper of Belial.

The first chakra stone is already under attack and losing its power, which jeopardizes the safety and security of the planet. Jaden must fight to restore balance to the world and find the inner strength to fulfill her role as The Sentinel of the Chakra Stones.

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Christine Boucher

Christine Boucher


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