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The Renascent World

The Renascent World


Carryn W. Kerr


Fiction, Action and Adventure, Apocalyptic, Romance, Science Fiction, Teen and Young Adult

Publish Date

July 21, 2020

Short Description

A chance encounter turns her perfect life into a dangerous escape!


The Winner

Book's Awards


Cruel, dark mystery laces Petriville, the town that long ago saved Cassidy Jones and her family from the meteorite strike. While Earth perished they thrived in a blissful utopia, orbiting Earth within the town’s indestructible sphere.

Now Cassidy is sixteen and Gina, Petriville’s founder, reveals Cassidy's assigned mate. She refuses him but things get worse when Cassidy meets Eric, an alluring hologram who leaves her a dire warning of Gina's malicious intent. More strange is how Cassidy and Eric's attraction seems unnatural, and their passion intensifies when they share a virtual kiss.

Cassidy yearns to meet Eric in person. But problems abound. For one, Eric is still on Earth. For two, Gina intends for him to follow the rest of Earth's citizens—into the grave.

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Carryn W. Kerr

Carryn W. Kerr


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