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The Poseidon Files
Mike Rickett
Fiction, Paranormal and Supernatural, Mystery, Suspense, Thriller, Police / Detective, Crime
Publish Date
June 22, 2020
Short Description
In The Poseidon Files artist and mystic Naomi Richards finds herself in a perilous situation when top secret files exposing a plot to weaponise the weather is inadvertently passed to her by a whistle-blowing scientist. What follows is a trail of intrigue and menace on the streets of Liverpool and Snowdonia in which the supernatural plays a significant part.
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Book's Awards
The Poseidon Files is an international thriller set in Alaska, Toronto, Canada, as well as Liverpool and Snowdonia in the UK. The central characters in the story are two women, one from from Canada and the other from Liverpool. The story revolves around a research establishment called HAARP in Alaska which scientists suspect is attempting to weaponise the weather.
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