The Only Ethics You Need
to attain a fruitful life
Sonia A. Nwajei
Nonfiction, Philosophy, Self-Help
Publish Date
January 10, 2021
Short Description
The Only Ethics You Need– is the ultimate guide to self-improvement. It addresses all aspect of living and especially, providing spiritual and ethical guidance for amelioration of our lives and inturn, our communities. This motivational book addresses culture challenges faced by self (you), families, society, whilst offering insightful tips to make a positive change. A must read for all ages.

Book's Awards
The Only Ethics You Need– is the ultimate guide to self-improvement. It addresses all aspect of living and especially, providing spiritual and ethical guidance for amelioration of our lives and inturn, our communities. This motivational book addresses culture challenges faced by self (you), families, society, whilst offering insightful tips to make a positive change. A must read for all ages.