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The Last Refuge

The Last Refuge

The Peter Brandt Thrillers Book 2


Martin Roy Hill


Fiction, Crime, Military / War, Mystery, Thriller, Suspense

Publish Date

March 1, 2016

Short Description

Friendly fire on the battlefield leads to murder on the homefront.


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Iraq, 1991: Operation Desert Storm. In a terrible friendly fire incident, a U.S. helicopter massacres a small convoy of American MPs. Among the dead: a mysterious American civilian engineer discovered by the soldiers behind enemy lines.

San Diego, CA, 1993: A freelance journalist is hired to write a story about a wrongful death lawsuit filed by the dead engineer's widow against the government and the defense contractor he worked for. The problem: the government insists the lawsuit does not exist, and the contractor claims the engineer did not work for them. Worse, someone is willing to kill to keep it that way.

Peter Brandt, the war-scarred journalist hero of Empty Places, returns in this story of greed, betrayal, and government secrets. Can Peter expose the truth without becoming another victim of the wartime tragedy?

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Martin Roy Hill

Martin Roy Hill


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