The Gospel according to MatthewOn this rock, I will build my church
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The Gospel according to Matthew

The Gospel according to Matthew

On this rock, I will build my church


Dr Andrew C S Koh


Nonfiction, Education, How To

Publish Date

January 17, 2022

Short Description


A great book to read and study the Gospel writings of Matthew the Apostle. Matthew being a previous tax collector and giving it all up for Christ is very inspiring. He being an eyewitness to the marvelous miracles of Christ helps one to further renew themselves to a better understanding of the faith. A great and inspiring book for all ages. I recommend this book to other readers, Sharmani Jeyaram, Bookbub, 5 out of 5 stars


A great book to help laymen study the Gospel of Matthew better. This Gospel was written by a previous tax collector who gave up everything to be a follower of Christ. His journey in the faith and his eyewitness to the facts are very inspiring. A very informative book on the Gospel which is faith-building. I received this book free and leave an honest review. I recommend this book to other readers, Sharmani Jeyaram, Goodreads, 4 out of 5 stars


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The format follows the same as the author's other study guides, however, due to the size of the book of Matthew, there is much more content in this guide. The book of Matthew can be overwhelming with the genealogy and crucifixion of Christ. What I liked about Koh’s book was that he made the genealogy easier to understand by breaking up the descendants. And he highlighted the parables making the teachings of the Son of Man easy to read and understand. It’s not that the author changed the words but the information presented here results in an easy-to-follow interpretation (and God-centered) of the Word. Recommend this as well as other guides by Koh, T. Townsend, Amazon, 5 out of 5 stars


A great book to read and study the Gospel writings of Matthew the Apostle. Matthew being a previous tax collector and giving it all up for Christ is very inspiring. He being an eyewitness to the marvelous miracles of Christ helps one to further renew themselves to a better understanding of the faith. A great and inspiring book for all ages. I recommend this book to other readers, Sharmani Jeyaram, Bookbub, 5 out of 5 stars


A great book to help laymen study the Gospel of Matthew better. This Gospel was written by a previous tax collector who gave up everything to be a follower of Christ. His journey in the faith and his eyewitness to the facts are very inspiring. A very informative book on the Gospel which is faith-building. I received this book free and leave an honest review. I recommend this book to other readers, Sharmani Jeyaram, Goodreads, 4 out of 5 stars




Archbishop Ng Moon Hing, Anglican Archbishop of Southeast Asia This is a simple and non-complicated daily devotion, commentary, and bible study guide for people from all walks of life. It is written in a systematic devotional layout within a gospel story-related manner and presentation. It aims to draw the attention of the readers to pray and to follow the pathway of Jesus as laid out in the Gospel according to Matthew from Galilee to Jerusalem. It points to the Son of God coming to seek, save, and strengthen the faith of those who believe in Jesus. Preface This is a Christ-centred, life-changing, Expository Commentary, Daily Devotion, and Bible Study Guide, on the Gospel according to Matthew. This book is simple, interesting, understandable, meaningful, and applicable to contemporary life. This book formed part of my New Testament Series written during the pandemic of 2020-2022. This book can change, correct, convict, deepen, transform, mature, enrich, teach, and bless the life of any reader. The reader will help you encounter the God of the Word through the Word of God.

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Dr Andrew C S Koh

Dr Andrew C S Koh


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