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The Garden House

The Garden House



Fiction, Women

Publish Date

November 11, 2016

Short Description

Turning fifty changes Miranda’s life in ways she hasn’t expected. In addition to facing empty nest syndrome and fearing that her best years are behind her, there is her growing concern about the mysterious new tenant of the family garden house. Is he the nice man he appears to be? Or is he the reason behind her increasingly disturbing dreams?


The Winner

Book's Awards


A story of love, family, and home set among the lush summer evenings of Seattle. Seeking purpose in the second half of life, Miranda pursues her old desire of becoming an artist. When she decides to turn the garden house into a studio, she discovers that her husband has already rented it out to a somewhat mysterious young man.

Shortly after his arrival, Miranda begins to have disturbing dreams, which she attributes to missing her children. However, she soon connects the dreams to the new tenant's increasingly suspicious behavior. When her dreams become more urgent, Miranda can no longer ignore her fear that someone is in danger. Is something sinister lurking within her beloved garden?

There's only one way to find out...

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