The Box M Gang
Mark L Redmond
Children's Books, Western, Fiction, Historical, Religious, Action and Adventure
Publish Date
June 4, 2022
Short Description
In the post-Civil War Arizona Territory, five siblings struggle to keep their father's death a secret. Folks know Mrs. Martin passed away two years earlier but if news of Mr. Martin's death gets out, the children will be moved off the Box M Ranch and placed in an orphanage. Keeping their secret won't be easy; it might not even be possible!

Book's Awards
The first book in this series, set in the post-Civil War Arizona Territory, finds the five recently orphaned Martin siblings facing a serious situation. Most folks in their vicinity know Mrs. Martin passed away two years ago. They don't know that Mr. Martin is now deceased too. The siblings know they can run the ranch by themselves, but they don't know if they can keep Pa's death a secret. If their secret gets out, the local law will haul them off the Box M and throw them into an orphanage near Tucson. Fifteen-year-old Ruth is confident that she, her fourteen-year-old brother Thad, and her twelve-year-old sister Sarah can guard their secret. Her younger brothers, ten-year-old Bart and eight-year-old Billy, might not be as reliable. The Martins will need to work together and trust God to help them if they're going to succeed. Saddle up and ride along with the Box M Gang for an adventure you won't forget!