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The Belle Stalker

The Belle Stalker

urban fantasy thriller


Minnette Meador


Urban, Fantasy, Thriller, Fiction

Publish Date

July 1, 2019

Short Description

Belle and ex-husband police detective Michael Cranston discovered a mysterious world beneath the city that will bring the city to its knees, and an ancient monster who want Belle to himself.


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Belle Stark has struggled to conquer crippling fears since being attacked by a maniac.  Despite the efforts of countless cops, her stalker continues to roam free.  When Belle discovers her lover's mutilated body spread over the furniture,  she becomes the prime suspect, but she's certain her attacker is to blame. With no where else to turn, Belle seeks help from her ex-husband, homicide detective Mike Cranston, the one person she swore she would never let back into her life...or her heart.

In their hunt for answers, the two uncover more than a lunatic: a supernatural underworld hides beneath the tall skyscrapers along with a secret that could bring the city to its knees. Faced with a terrible choice, Belle surrenders herself to the hands of a monster, and Mike must solve an ancient mystery before it's too late to save her...

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Minnette Meador

Minnette Meador


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