The Acolyte And The Amulet
Nebilon Series Book 1
John Gorman
Fantasy, Fiction
Publish Date
July 23, 2019
Short Description
Nebilon had a good run, but it lost steam. The mages got old, and evil slipped through the cracks until the acolyte came along. But does Luma have the strength and savvy to restore order to the magic city. Find out her fate in this maiden voyage of the Nebilon Series.
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Book's Awards
When Glanzing steals the legendary book of counterspells, the fate of Nebilon falls into his clumsy hands. He regrets the terrible burden, but must find a Master Mender to restore it. With the help of the precocious Seer, Luma and the brash dwarf, Vigo, Glanzing goes to the remote Isle of Pōg seeking advice from the oldest Order of wizards. Turns out, they have an important score to settle and the Archmage Belpatha sends the voyagers on a dangerous mission to stop the evil wizard Veldish from unleashing his dark magic onto the eastern realms and retrieve the sacred amulet. But will the voyagers have enough courage and strength to match the dark forces unfurling?