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Tears of the Aeon

Tears of the Aeon

The Gothic War


R. F. Pina


Historical, Fiction, Horror, Dark, Fantasy, Suspense, Mythological

Publish Date

January 27, 2024

Short Description

A gifted warrior boarding a journey filled with love and divine plotting is caught in this chaotic web. Bound by an unexplainable connection, he intertwines with a young Gothic woman, their union becoming a central point in a cosmic drama that captures the gods’ attention.


The Winner

Book's Awards


In the crucible of history, where the flames of empires clash, and the destinies of civilizations are forged, there exists a chapter often overlooked—a tale obscured by the dust of ages. It is a saga of untamed lands, ancient conflicts, and beings whose destinies were bound to the cosmic threads of gods and mortals alike. Within the shadows of the Roman Empire, during the fateful year of 376 AD, a narrative unfolded that would echo through the corridors of time, leaving behind a legacy woven with threads of love, war, and the supernatural. "Tears of The Aeon: The Gothic War" unravels against the setting of a world grappling with the chaos of an impending conflict between the mighty Roman Empire and the desperate Visigoths led by the enigmatic Chieftain Fritigern. Faced with the dual threats of the Roman legions and the merciless Huns, Fritigern makes a desperate plea to Emperor Valens for sanctuary within the borders of the empire. This plea sets in motion a series of events destined to reshape the fate of nations. A warrior, blessed with strength and abilities that defy the laws of men, embarks on a journey marked by love, and destined to attract the gaze of gods. Bound by an inexplicable connection, he finds himself entangled with a young Gothic woman from the Taifali Tribe, their union becoming a focal point for the unfolding cosmic drama. As the gods themselves take notice, the stage is set for the initiation of the end of the world. "Tears of The Aeon" invites you to traverse the realms of history and myth, where the fates of empires and the whims of divine beings converge in a tale of love, war, and the enduring echoes of an age-long past. In the shadows of forgotten forests, where the tears of the Aeon fall like rain, the Gothic War awaits its chronicler.

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R. F. Pina

R. F. Pina


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