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Taking Chances

Taking Chances


Christina Fanelli


Fiction, Action and Adventure, Drama, Psychological, Suspense, Romance, Women

Publish Date

February 20, 2022

Short Description

After years of determination, Angela finally feels like her dreams are coming true. Her college education is now showing its worth, her dream job is around the corner, and the family she never had is about to happen…But is it?


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The Winner

Book's Awards


After years of determination, Angela Lash feels like her dreams are finally coming true. A rough childhood with self-centered, addicted parents taught her that life could be so much more. Years later, her college education is finally paying off, she found the perfect man to help create the faithful family she never had growing up, and ownership of the restaurant of her dreams is just around the corner.


Castanza’s Restaurant has been in Gio’s family for generations, but it has not kept up with modern technology. Angela and Gio see different paths to success for Castanza’s, and when she offers to buy it before it loses money, Gio hesitates without clearly saying no.


After a whirlwind romantic trip for Angela and the return of Gio’s old friend, will Angela and Gio actually get what they always thought, or never knew, they wanted?

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Christina Fanelli

Christina Fanelli


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