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Susan: A Jane Austen Prequel

Susan: A Jane Austen Prequel


Alice McVeigh


Historical, Women, Humor Fiction, Romance, Fiction

Publish Date

June 30, 2021

Short Description

What might Austen’s Lady Susan might have been like, when just sixteen? A delightfully impudent Jane Austenesque variation - P&P combined with Emma – featuring many familiar characters.


The Winner

Book's Awards


“She possesses an uncommon union of symmetry, brilliancy, and grace. One is apt to expect that an impudent address will naturally attend an impudent mind – but her countenance is absolutely sweet. I am sorry it is so, for what is this but deceit?“ (from Jane Austen’s Lady Susan)


Sixteen-year-old Susan Smithson – pretty but poor, clever but capricious – has just been expelled from a school for young ladies in London.


At the mansion of the formidable Lady Catherine de Bourgh, she attracts a raffish young nobleman. But, at the first hint of scandal, her guardian dispatches her to her uncle Collins’ rectory in Kent, where her sensible cousin Alicia lives and “where nothing ever happens.”


Here Susan mischievously inspires the local squire to put on a play, with consequences no one could possibly have foreseen. What with the unexpected arrival of Frank Churchill, Alicia’s falling in love and a tumultuous elopement, rural Kent will surely never seem safe again…

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Alice McVeigh

Alice McVeigh


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