Surviving the Theseus
Randy Dean Noble
Fiction, Paranormal and Supernatural, Suspense, Thriller, Science Fiction, Horror
Publish Date
August 10, 2010
Short Description
Regina, a Search Out and Destroy officer, must find out what happened to thousands of people who vanished on a space cruise vessel.

Book's Awards
Regina, trained to find the dregs of humanity, trained to kill, is forced into vacation because her peers are getting murdered.
At first, the massive cruise vessel she chooses as her resort destination seems ... tolerable, and then, in the span of a few hours, everyone disappears, thousands of passengers vanish.
As Regina explores the ship, not only does she discover pile after pile of clothing and no bodies, she finds a fear not felt for years. Although she cannot know for certain something is there, an ominous orange light appearing out of nowhere leaves little doubt some unseen thing hunts her. And all that is just the beginning.
It is a time of restricted space travel so enforced that almost nobody can veer off course, but nobody knows why. They're about to find out.
Get ready for a Sci-Fi/Horror/Thriller roller coaster ride.
Warning: This novel contains strong language, violent scenes, and a sexually described event.