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Small Town Trio

Small Town Trio

Small Town Submission 4


Karen Nappa


Contemporary, Action and Adventure, Erotic, Romance, Suspense

Publish Date

May 26, 2022

Short Description

Old friends. New flames. Dangerous consequences.

Reunions with childhood friends should be filled with nostalgia and funny, embarrassing stories. Not sexual tension so hot it threatens to set fire to an entire forest.

*Every Small Town Submission novel has a stand-alone romance story and an interconnected plot. For new readers, we advise you to start with Small Town Master for a complete understanding of the overall story arc and the family dynamics. We hope you'll enjoy this final installment set in Peaceful, Ohio–where danger lurks beneath the peaceful façade. Please note that the Small Town Submission series was originally published with the series title The Quinn Quartet, and Small Town Trio was originally published as Facing Consequences.*


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The Winner

Book's Awards


Old friends. New flames. Dangerous consequences.

Reunions with childhood friends should be filled with nostalgia and funny, embarrassing stories.

Not sexual tension so hot it threatens to set fire to an entire forest.

But that’s exactly what Mark Quinn discovers when he heads out to a remote campsite with his high school best friend, Stan and his sweet, sassy girlfriend Gina. And if coming to terms with his feelings for two of his oldest friends wasn’t enough, someone is targeting the residents of Peaceful once again. The Quinn family must band together one final time to take down their enemies once and for all, or risk losing everything.

*Every Small Town Submission novel has a stand-alone romance story and an interconnected plot. For new readers, we advise you to start with Small Town Master for a complete understanding of the overall story arc and the family dynamics. We hope you'll enjoy this final installment set in Peaceful, Ohio–where danger lurks beneath the peaceful façade. Please note that the Small Town Submission series was originally published with the series title The Quinn Quartet, and Small Town Trio was originally published as Facing Consequences.*

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Karen Nappa

Karen Nappa


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