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Rise of conjuring

Rise of conjuring

The unveiled origin of the art of deception



Nonfiction, Education

Publish Date

December 18, 2024

Short Description

How would you react if you learned that society, as we know it today, could not have existed without the rise of the art of magic?

In Rise of Conjuring, Luca Bettoni, a magician and author, takes readers on a journey through time, unveiling the incredible impact of magic on human development and societal transformation.

Whether you're a history buff, a magic enthusiast, or simply a curious soul, Rise of conjuring promises to captivate, educate, and inspire.


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How would you react if you learned that society, as we know it today, could not have existed without the rise of the art of magic? What if you discovered that the monumental strides in human progress across every field trace their roots back to the birth of this ancient art?

In Rise of Conjuring, Luca Bettoni, a magician and author, takes readers on a journey through time, unveiling the impact of magic on human development and societal transformation.

After four years of extensive research and profound insights from leading scholars, Luca unveils the hidden connections between conjuring and human civilization. From the mystical rituals of ancient Mesopotamian priests to the awe-inspiring illusions performed in the courts of Egyptian pharaohs, Rise of Conjuring explores the evolution of magic and its role in shaping cultural beliefs, consolidating power, and sparking social change.

But this groundbreaking, thought-provoking narrative isn't just a historical account—it's a journey of discovery, filled with fascinating anecdotes, intriguing theories, and unexpected revelations. Join Luca as he uncovers the truth behind ancient miracles, legendary illusions, and enigmatic rituals, shaping your understanding of magic and leaving you spellbound from start to finish.

As you journey through the pages, your perceptions of the art of conjuring will be challenged and reshaped, inviting you to reconsider magic's place in history and its enduring influence in shaping the world we live in. Whether you're a history buff, a magic enthusiast, or simply a curious soul, Rise of conjuring promises to captivate, educate, and inspire.

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