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A Girl's Struggle for More


Diann Floyd Boehm


Fiction, Historical, Teen and Young Adult

Publish Date

October 20, 2021

Short Description

Rise! A Girl's Struggle for More is an old-fashioned, historical family drama-a sweet, yet edgy, coming of age story. Set in the 1920s, it is based on the life of the author's grandmother.


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Rise! A Girl's Struggle for More is an old-fashioned, historical family drama-a sweet, yet edgy, coming of age story. Set in the 1920s, it is based on the life of the author's grandmother.

The main character, Ruby Pearl, is mature beyond her years and was born at least a decade too soon. Growing up in the middle of a family of nine children in Oilton, Oklahoma, with her nose constantly in a book, she was known as the girl that would rather read than can tomatoes. Ruby feels destined for greater things.

Ruby studies hard to make good grades, while her parents smile and humor her. They continually encourage the courtship with her beau, Arthur, who they fully expect will be their son-in-law when the two graduate from high school, but Ruby has loftier goals. She admires her momma and big sister, Rilla, the "CEOs of the household" and knows some day she will have children and a home of her own to manage, but first things first!

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Diann Floyd Boehm

Diann Floyd Boehm


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