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Princess Smile

Princess Smile


Adele Royce


Women, Romance, Contemporary, Fiction, Humor Fiction

Publish Date

June 18, 2021

Short Description


In Princess Smile, a young female advertising executive engages a dangerous liaison while struggling to climb the corporate ladder in Los Angeles.


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This is how it all started.

Princess Smile is the prequel to Camera Ready, narrated by lovable but flawed, Jane Mercer.

Jane struggles with her self-image while reaching for the stars in the cutthroat world of Los Angeles advertising.

As she claws her way up to the position of Director of Accounts at the ad agency, Warren Mitchell & Associates, her career goals force her into fierce competition with her colleagues. When Jane is coerced to comply with a client’s unreasonable and sordid requests, she frantically seeks an escape.

Enter the savagely handsome Craig Keller, managing partner of rival agency Keller Whitman Group. Jane has admired him from afar and he’s taken a sudden interest in her, offering a prestigious, high-paying position, along with a long list of benefits that only existed in her wildest dreams.

Jane is willingly lured into Craig’s professional and romantic web, quickly learning that his money, attention, and affection come with an even higher price – one she is not sure she can pay.

A high-stakes tale of ambition, friendship, secrets, brutality and desire, Princess Smile is a must-read for the contemporary woman.In

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Adele Royce

Adele Royce


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