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Only the Lucky Grow Old

Only the Lucky Grow Old

Reflections on Life From Those Over 90


Kristine Fontaine


Nonfiction, Biography / Memoir, Guide

Publish Date

April 18, 2020

Short Description

This book is primarily a compelation of interviews had with individuals over the age of 90 to talk with them about the lives they have lived, as well as reflections on a variety of topics.


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Being a physical therapist, I take this opportunity in publishing my first book to provide education on arthritis and aging, and information that may help you or a family member navigate the GoldenYears.

The interviews the book contains are pure and honest, and the individuals themselves are just wonderful. They take us back to a time many years ago when growing up then is nowhere near what it is today. Somewhere over the last 70+ years, life has changed dramatically, and the simplicity of what life was like has been forgotten. I have always admired and respected the elderly, and hope this book brings you a new sense of appreciation for them as well. When you look at an elderly person, what do you see? Do you just see them as old,, or do you ever stop to reflect on the fact that they were once young and have lived full lives full with their own tragedies and triumphs.

As I document the stories and interviews, a goal of mine was that the reader got to know the individual's personality as I did. I am sure you will find yourself smiling in many parts, and may you find their stories inspitational. I also add my own stories and memories woven throughout, to hopefully cause you to reflect on areas of your own llife.

Spirituality is very important to me, and I feel I was led by divine means to and through this project, in ways that I share that with the reader. I hope you find the book interesting enough to consider reading.

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Kristine Fontaine

Kristine Fontaine


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