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More Than A Spirit

More Than A Spirit

Baker City: More than a Spirit Book 2


Josie Malone


Fiction, Romance, Paranormal and Supernatural, Military / War, Action and Adventure

Publish Date

March 4, 2020

Short Description

Will a woman with enough baggage to fill a footlocker and a man who knows life comes with no guarantees save each other and find a future?


The Winner

Book's Awards


Home from her Army Reserve tour in Afghanistan, Sergeant First Class Ann Barrett is divorced, unemployed and dealing with her unruly, spoiled six-year-old. The last thing she needs is a ghost playing matchmaker. Not ready to trade in her fatigues for a civilian job as a high school teacher, Ann applies for a position at the Army Reserve base.

Issues arise when she meets her new boss, former Army Ranger, Master Sergeant Harry Colter. He came to Fort Bronson in Seattle to escape his grief when his best friend died in an ambush, but he hasn’t realized he didn’t come alone, or that his buddy is playing ‘Cupid’.

It’s difficult for Ann leave the war behind when so many things enrage her, like her ex-husband and her family that puts the fun back in “dysfunctional.” However, in order to handle what comes now, she must deal with her past, her child and the 20-year-old secret she learns about Harry.

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Josie Malone

Josie Malone


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