Missing on Main Street
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Missing on Main Street

Missing on Main Street


Sarah Hualde


Contemporary, Fiction, Suspense, Women, Mystery, Religious

Publish Date

August 11, 2019

Short Description

Three homeschooling moms hunt for a missing teen before harm befalls the troubled girl.


The Winner

Book's Awards


Small towns aren’t always as safe as they seem.


One missing teen sends three homeschool moms on a thrilling search.

Lydia, Kat, and Flora put lesson plans aside as they hunt for Ivy Hooper. Little do they know they’re not the only ones looking for her. With a less-than picture-perfect past, Ivy’s trail leads them to shocking revelations and an even more surprising resolution.

Will a trio of stay-at-home moms be able to thwart the dark side of their small town? Can they rescue Ivy before her pursuers find her?

Launch into book one of this binge-worthy Christian Mystery series that builds your faith as it gets your heart racing.


Pour yourself a fresh cup of coffee and get ready to stay up late with the moms of Honey Pot.

Book Trailer

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Sarah Hualde

Sarah Hualde


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