Missed Cue
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Missed Cue

Missed Cue


Lynn Slaughter


Police / Detective

Publish Date

August 8, 2023

Short Description

While dealing with her messy personal life, Lieutenant Caitlin O'Connor investigates the most complicated case of her career, the suspicious onstage death of a revered ballerina.


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Lieutenant Caitlin O’Connor prides herself on being a crackerjack homicide detective with the highest close case record in the department. But the onstage death of ballerina Lydia Miseau has her thoroughly stumped. Why did the apparently healthy Miseau drop dead? Convinced foul play was involved, Caitlin’s investigation takes her into the world of a ballet company where suspects abound who had reasons to want to harm the company star.

Meantime, Caitlin’s dealing with a partner on the job who’s addicted to alcohol, a married lover she’s addicted to, and mysterious threatening phone calls. To make matters worse, two more people associated with the company are murdered, and Caitlin has to face the humiliating possibility she arrested the wrong person. Time is running out, as she races to identify a killer who will stop at nothing to avoid deception.

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Lynn Slaughter

Lynn Slaughter


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